(7 customer reviews)

Annual Filterpack

6 filters and 12 limepads | waterfilter replacement annualpack

Original price was: $198.00.Current price is: $169.00.

Safe 15%

Order the Lotus Vita NATURA PLUS® replacement filter package and produce pure drinking water yourself for a year! Order the Lotus Vita Order the Lotus Vitg

Additional information


6 filter cartridges, 12 limepads

Use For

1 Year, at a use of one filter per two months


Replacement Filterpack

removes pollutants effectively

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Annual Filterpack

Our Natura Plus water filter offers more than just efficient filtration. It also enriches the drinking water with important minerals. This is good for your health and well-being.

The water filter technology is based on the natural processes of nature. It uses gravity to filter your tap water. This ensures gradual filtration, just like in nature. We therefore use various components in our water filters

Find out about our technology here

7 reviews for Annual Filterpack

  1. Richard Salman


  2. Richard Salman

    Hallo war super duper

  3. Richard Salman

    Hey haha

  4. Richard Salman

    Wooooooow war das guttt

  5. Simon


    • Simon

      Ich erkläre hier ganz genau wieso die schlechte Bewertung ungerechtfertigt ist und was hätte anders gemacht werden müssen.

  6. Simon


  7. Simon


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